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Weekly Online Class with Shaykh Saalim Baamihriz - The Matters Of The Days Of Ignorance of Shaykh al-Islaam Muhammad Ibn 'Abd Al-Wahhaab

Product Description

Speaker: Shaykh Saalim Baamihriz

Country of Speaker: Yemen

Category: 'Aqeedah

Download/ Listen - Class 01 - 22.02.16 - Introduction to Masaa`il al-Jaahiliyyah

Download/ Listen - Class 02 - 07.03.16  - The First Aspect: Suplicating to Righteous Individals  

Download/ Listen - Class 03 - 14.03.16 - The Second Aspect: The Division of the People of the Days of Ignorance with Regard to Their Worship and Religion 

Download/ Listen - Class 04 - 04.04.16

The Third Aspect: They Considered Opposing the Ruler a Virtue,

The Fourth Aspect: Blind Following and Its Dangers

Download/ Listen - Class 05 - 11.04.16 -

The Fifth Aspect: Relying on What the Majority is Upon as Proof,

The Sixth Aspect: Relying on What the Ancestors Are Upon as Proof

Download/ Listen - Class 06 - 18.04.16 - 

The Seventh Aspect: The people of Jāhilīyyah cite as proof that any people given intellect, physical strength and sovereignty were upon the truth. 

The Eighth Aspect:  The People of Jāhilīyyah used as an evidence to determine falsehood regarding a matter, that only the weak ones followed it.

Download/ Listen - Class 07 - 25.04.16 - 

The Ninth Aspect: The People of Jāhilīyyah follow the ways of the corrupt, sinful scholars and worshippers.

The Tenth Aspect: The People of Jāhilīyyah claim that the people of Religion being deficient in understanding and lack of memorization is proof of the falsehood they’re upon. 

The Eleventh Aspect: The People of Jāhilīyyah use false reasoning. 

The Twelfth Aspect:  The People of Jāhilīyyah reject sound reasoning.

Download/ Listen - Class 08 - 02.05.16 - 

The Thirteenth Aspect: From the matters of the people of Jāhilīyyah is extremism when it comes to the scholars and the righteous people. 

The Fourteenth Aspect: Everything previously mentioned is based upon a principle. Negation and affirmations, they follow their desires and whims whilst turning away from what the Messengers came with. The

The Fifteenth Aspect:  The People of Jāhilīyyah claimed that they did not follow what Allāh revealed because they did not understand it.

The Sixteenth Aspect: From the ways of the People of Jāhilīyyah is that instead of taking what Allāh gave them, they took the books of Magic

Download/ Listen - Class 09 - 09.05.16 - 

The Seventeenth Aspect: The People of Jāhilīyyah attributed their falsehood to the Prophets. 

The Eighteenth Aspect: The People of Jāhilīyyah contradicted their ways, they would ascribe themselves to Ibrāhīm, yet they would not follow him. 

The Nineteenth Aspect: The People of Jāhilīyyah slandered and accused righteous people based on the actions of others. 

The Twentieth Aspect: The People of Jāhilīyyah believe that the tricks of the sorcerers and their likes were miraculous

Download/ Listen - Class 10 - 16.05.16 - 

The Twenty-First Aspect:  The People of Jāhilīyah considered whistling and clapping to be acts of worship.

The Twenty-Second Aspect: The People of Jāhilīyyah took their Religion as amusement and games. 

The Twenty-Third Aspect: The People of Jāhilīyyah were deluded by the life of this World. 

The Twenty-Fourth Aspect: The People of Jāhilīyyah refused to enter the truth when they saw that they were preceded by the weak and the poor, out of pride. 

The Twenty-Fifth Aspect: The People of Jāhilīyyah determined the truth to be false based on the argument that the weak and poor took precedence in accepting it. 

The Twenty-Sixth Aspect:  The matters of the People of Jāhilīyah is that they would knowingly distort the Qur’ā

Download/ Listen - Class 11 - 14.11.16 - The Twenty-Sixth Aspect:  The matters of the People of Jāhilīyah is that they would knowingly distort the Qur’ā

Download/ Listen - Class 12 – 21.11.2016 - 

The Twenty-Ninth Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah did not possess knowledge of their own sects they used to believe in.  

The Thirtieth Aspect: It is from the amazing signs of Allāh that when the people of Jāhiliyyah disobeyed Allāh's commandment to remain united, they became guilty of the separation which Allāh forbade and each of the parties became happy with what it had.

The Thirty-First Aspect: It is from the amazing signs of Allāh that the people of Jāhiliyyah had extreme enmity to the very Religion they claimed to be followers of, whilst they had deep love for the Religion of the disbelievers who had shown enmity towards them and their Prophets.

Download/ Listen - Class 13 – 28.11.2016 - 

The Thirty-Second Aspect: The People Of Jāhiliyyah Disbelieved In and Rejected The Truth If It Was Conveyed From Someone They Did Not Like Or Agree With. 

The Thirty-third Aspect: The People Of Jāhiliyyah rejected what they agreed was from their own Religion. 

The Thirty-Fourth Aspect: Each of their groups claimed that they were the saved ones, and Allāh declared them to be liars.

Download/ Listen - Class 14 – 12.12.2016 - 

The Thirty-Fifth Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah performed acts of worship whilst exposing their private parts.

The Thirty-Sixth Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah performed acts of worship by forbidding the lawful, in the same way that they worshipped by ascribing partners to Allāh.

The Thirty-Seventh Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah performed worship by taking their Rabis and Monks as Lords besides Allāh.

Download/ Listen - Class 15 – 19.12.2016 - 

The Thirty-Eighth Aspect: The People Of Jāhiliyyah denied Allāh's attributes.

The Thirty-Ninth Aspect: The People Of Jāhiliyyah denied Allāh's names, as Allāh says, “While they disbelieve in Ar-Raḥmān." [Sūrah ar-Ra'd:30]

The Fortieth Aspect: The People Of Jāhiliyyah negated Allāh's Names and Attributes. 

The Forty-First Aspect: The people of Jāhiliyyah attributed deficiencies to Allāh; for example, Him having a child, needs, and being tired, whilst claiming their own Rabbis had no deficiencies.

Download/ Listen - Class 16 – 02.01.2017 -

The Forty-Second Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah Committed Shirk in Allāh's dominion as is found in the belief of the Majūs.

The Forty-Third Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah denied Allāh's Qadr.

The Forty-Forth Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah used the concept of Qadr as an argument against Allāh.

The Forty-Fifth Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah would object to Allāh's legislation based on Allāh's Qadr. They would say that there is some contradiction between Allāh's commandments and Allāh's Qadr.

Download/ Listen - Class 17– 09.01.2017 -

The Forty-Sixth Aspect:The People of Jāhiliyyah insulted time.

The Forty-Seventh Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah attributed Allāh's blessings to other than Him.

The Forty-Eighth Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah disbelieved in the signs of Allāh. The signs of Allāh are of two categories, First: Those which are universal signs in His creation. Things which Allāh made that we see around us, we feel, hear and touch (mountains, rivers, animals). Second: The religious signs, the revelation that Allāh sent down to his prophets and Messengers (Torah, Injīl, Qur’ān).

The Forty-Ninth Aspect: They deny some of the signs of Allāh. An example is the people of the book (Jews and the Christians) who accepted some of the signs of Allāh and rejected some.

The Fiftieth Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah would say, “Allāh has not revealed anything to mankind (Sūrah al-Anʻām, 91). This was a statement of the Jews due to their extreme jealously and hatred towards the religion of Islām.

Download/ Listen - Class 18– 16.01.2017

The Fifty-First Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah said concerning the Qurʻān, “Verily This is a nothing but a word of man.” Sūrah al-Muddathir, 25)

The Fifty-Second Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah attacked the wisdom of Allāh.

The Fifty-Third Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah employed different schemes, but hidden and apparent to reject what the Prophets and Messengers came with.

The Fifty-Fourth Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah only acknowledged truth, with intention to reject it.

Download/ Listen - Class 19– 23.01.2017

The Fifty-Fifth Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah had partisanship towards their madhab.

The Fifty-Sixth Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah followed Islām as being a form of shirk.

The Fifty-Seventh Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah distorted the meaning of words from their original meanings.

The Fifty-Eight Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah twist their tongues with the words of the book.

The Fifty-Ninth Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah call the people of guidance names, such as heretic and apostates.

The Sixtieth Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah fabricate lies upon Allāh.

The Sixty-First Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah belied others and belied the truth; they disbelieved in the truth.

Download/ Listen - Class 20– 30.01.2017

The Sixty-Second Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah would resort to complaining to their leaders and kings when the proof was established upon them.

The Sixty-Third Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah accused the prophets who refuted them of spreading corruption upon the earth. 

The Sixty-Fourth Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah accused belittling the religion of the kings and rulers.

The Sixty-Fifth Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah accused them of belittling the (false) God’s of the king.

The Sixty-Sixth Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah accused them of changing the Religion as Allāh says, “Indeed, I fear that he will change your religion or that he will cause corruption in the land (Sūrah al Ghāfir, 26).

The Sixty-Seventh Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah accusing them of belittling and defaming the ruler/king.

The Sixty-Eight Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah claimed to act upon the truth as they said, “We believe in what was revealed to us..” (Sūrah al Baqarah, 91). However, when were called to the truth, they claim they were already upon the truth.

The Sixty-Ninth Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah would made additions in their acts of worship (they would innovate in the religion), just as was done on the day of ʿĀshūrah.

The Seventieth Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah would decrease in the actions of worship as was done in the refusal of standing on the mount of ʿArafāt.

The Seventy-First Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah left alone what was obligatory upon them and claimed they did this to be on the safe side of their religion due to their (false) fear of Allāh.

Download/ Listen - Class 21– 06.02.2017

The Seventy-Second Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah considered an act of worship by abstaining from the good things (i.e food and clothing) Allāh bestowed upon them.

The Seventy-Third Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah performed worship by abandoning the beautification of Allāh.

The Seventy-Fourth Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah called the people to misguidance whilst they possessed no knowledge, they misled others whilst they themselves were ignorant.

The Seventy-Fifth Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah called the people to disbelieve upon ignorance, they would call to falsehood knowing that their call was false.

The Seventy-Sixth Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah would harshly plot against the prophets, just like the people of Nūḥ (ʿalayhisalām) plotted against him.

Download/ Listen - Class 22– 13.02.2017

The Seventy-Seventh Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah were either led by a ruler who was evil or by a ruler who worshipped upon ignorance.

The Seventy-Eighth Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah claimed that they were the awliyah of Allāh specifically, separate from other people.

The Seventy-Ninth Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah claimed to love Allāh, yet they disobeyed and abandoned His laws, and thus Allāh tested them with the verse,

“Say (O Muḥammad) if you truly love Allāh, then follow me.” (Sūrah Āl ʻImrān, 31)

The Eightieth Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah clung onto false hopes, an example is their saying in the book of Allāh, “The Hellfire will not touch us, except for a limited number of days.” (Sūrah al-Baqarah, 80)

The Eighty-First Aspect: The People of Jāhiliyyah took the graves of their prophets and righteous as a place of worship (Masājid).

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