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Weekly Online Class with Shaykh 'Abd Allaah Ibn Sulfeeq adh-Dhafeeree - The Six Fundamentals (Usool as-Sittah) By Shaykh al-Islaam Muhammad Ibn 'Abd Al-Wahhaab

Product Description

Speaker: Shaykh 'Abdullah ibn Sulfeeq adh-Dhafiri الشيخ عبد الله بن صلفيق الظفيري

Country of Speaker: Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية

Category:  'Aqeedah عقيدة

Download / Listen   تحميل / استماع Class # 01 - 25.03.2017

Introduction concerning the importance of studying the book, “The Six Fundamental Principles”.

The First Principle [Part 1]: Having sincerity to Allāh and clarification of the opposite of that - shirk, causes for ignorance, and rulings on exaggerations concerning the righteous.

 Download / Listen   تحميل / استماع Class # 02 - 01.04.2017

Introduction to The Six Principles 

The First Principle [Part 2]: Sincerity To Allāh 

Download / Listen   تحميل / استماع - Class # 03 - 15.04.2017

The Second Principle: Allāh Commanded Unity in The Religion and Forbade Division 



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