Allāh has blessed us to enter into the last ten nights of Ramaḍān.
There is ittifāq (consensus of the 'Ulamā`) regarding these last nights that they are the best nights of the year, so these nights should not be wasted.
A person should strive as much as they can, following the example of our Noble Messenger (ﷺ).
'Ā`ishah reported that the Messenger of Allāh(ﷺ) said, “When the last 10 nights of Ramaḍān entered, the Messenger of Allāh (ﷺ)would tie his Izār, make the night come alive and wake up his family for the prayers.”
“tie his izār” - Some of the 'Ulamā` say that this means he would increase in his 'ibādah (worship).
“make the night alive” - Some of the 'Ulamā` mention that this means he would spend the entire night in worship, praying, reading Qur'ān, and in the remembrance of Allāh.
“he would wake up his family” - because of the tremendous virtues in these last blessed nights.
Within these blessed nights is Laylatul-Qadr where good deeds are equivalent to 1000 months.
There are tremendous virtues in fasting and standing in the night prayer, as is exemplified in the following words from the Salaf.
Wahb b.Munabbih, “Standing in the night prayer brings about nobility for the humble person, and it brings honour to the one who is low [whether due to his sins, character or lack of worship], and fasting during the day cuts off any form of desires.”
'Uthmān b.’Aṭā al-Khurasānī said that his father said, “This standing in the night prayer brings life to the body and light to the heart [i.e. insight into what is right and wrong] and gives strength to your limbs. If a person stands in the night prayer he would find that this brings him happiness in his heart. But if sleep overpowers him and he misses the portion of Qur’ān he was supposed to recite, he becomes saddened and his heart is broken as though he has lost something.”
We should reflect on feeling sadness in missing the ṣalāh. When last have we felt like this when we missed the night prayer?
The following ḥadīth will help us understand why the Salaf were so eager to perform the night prayer. The Prophet (ﷺ)said, “Allāh the Glorified descends to the lowest heaven every night when the last third of the night begins. He says, ‘Who is calling upon Me, so I will answer him? Who is asking of Me, so I will grant it to him? Who is seeking My forgiveness, so I will forgive him?”
Let your prayer be focused and believe in the words of the Prophet (ﷺ) with certainty.
Every one of us needs Allāh’s forgiveness because we all fall short.
Thābit Bunānī, “I did not find anything that was more sweet and beloved to my heart than standing in the night prayer.”
It was said regarding 'Aṭā` al-Khurasānī that he used to put his head outside of the tent and say, “Yā Fulān! Qiyām al-Layl (standing in the night prayer) and Ṣiyām (fasting) is far easier than drinking from the boiling water of the Hellfire and wearing garments of hot metal and eating from [the tree of] Zaqqūm." He would cry out to the people saying, "Najāt (salvation)! Najāt (salvation) i.e. save yourselves!"