A beautiful and comprehensive explanation delivered by Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Ramzaan al-Haajiree (May AllahPreserve Him) expounding on the guidance of the Companions in dealing with the people of innovation. Herein theShaykh presents some lofty benefits and salient points of contemplation from the hadith of Ibn Mas’ood and the people in dhikr circles, thus clarifying the approach of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah regarding the people of innovation.
This treatise was translated and compiled by Abu Afnaan Muhammad ‘Abdullah (May Allah Preserve him) with the explicit permission and approval of Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Ramzaan al-Haajiree.
An excerpt taken from the chapter: The Person of Innovation in The Religion is Not Granted The Success To Repent
"Can a person of bid’ah come back? (The answer is) he sees himself as being upon the truth and the correct position, and believes that he is getting closer to Allah by practicing these forms of bid’ah. For this reason, the person of bid’ah is not granted success to make repentance.Why is this? This is because he does not consider himself as being wrong in the first place, unlike the person who engages in sins. Because the latter, even while he is engaging in sins or acts of disobedience, he knows within himself that he is doing something wrong, he wants to make repentance. However, the person who is upon bid’ah believes that he is doing a righteous action (bringing him closer to Allah), so how can he make repentance?"