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Questions & Answers On A Few Doubts Surrounding The Salafi Dawah by Abu Khadeejah AbdulWahid

Product Description

Speaker: Abu Khadeejah AbdulWahid Alam 

Country of Speaker: United Kingdom

Category: Manhaj

Date: Sunday 25th May

Download / Listen [39:48 mins]

Below Are The Questions That Were Presented with The Corresponding Minute Markers For The Answers:

  1. “It is very distasteful when we speak against and warn against the other deviated sects as if we’re speaking against the Hindus etc and we know about those like ISIS and Shīʿah but the others we all come together under the banner of the Shahādah” [00:58]
  2.  The Imāms in the past had respect for each other’s views and never used to warn/criticise each other. Where/When did the Ṣaḥābah or the Prophet  warn against individuals? [15:48]
  3.  What are the core mistakes of the Tablīghi Jamā‘at of today? Because they claim that they do not promote grave worshipping etc. And how is their going out to the people wrong and their call? [26:42]

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