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Explanation of The Chapter of Laylat al-Qadr & Iʿtikaaf From ‘Umdatul ‘Ahkaam - Lesson 02 by Shaykh Bandar al-Khaybaree

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Speaker: Shaykh Bandar al-Khaybaree الشيخ بندر الخيبري

Country of Speaker: Saudi Arabia المملكة العربية السعودية

Category:  Ramadhaan رمضان

Download / Listen   تحميل / استماع - Lesson 02 - Chapter of Laylat al-Qadr - 05.06.2018

  • Iʿtikāf is secluding oneself in the Masjid in order to perform acts of obedience.
  • Performing iʿtikāf is a sunnah and the practise of the Prophet().
  • One should turn towards their Lord in acts of obedience and dedicate themselves towards this purpose.
  • Ever since the Prophet () migrated to Madīnah he performed iʿtikāf, until he passed away.
  • The one performing iʿtikāf is to remain in the Masjid. It is permissible to leave the Masjid if there is a need to do so. 
  • Al-Zuhrī said, “Strange is the affair of the Muslims! How can they leave off iʿtikāf when the Prophet never left it off up until he left this world!”
  • If the Prophet () became occupied and missed out performing iʿtikāf during Ramaḍān he would make it up in Shawwāl.
  • The servant is in seclusion, begging His Lord, supplicating, reciting Qurʾān to his Lord, parting with all of his comfortable ways and staying away from worldly affairs during iʿtikāf.
  • After the Prophet () died, his wives raḍī Allāhu ʿanhumā) would perform iʿtikāf. 
  • Therefore, it is certainly permissible for women to perform iʿtikāf so long as  there is no fitnah or harm caused. 
  • ʿĀʾaisha (raḍī Allāhu ʿanhā) narrated, “I used to comb the hair of the Prophet () while I was on my menses.” 
  • The one performing iʿtikāf should remain in the Masjid and use a section of the Masjid to seclude himself.
  • Another ḥadīth states that the Prophet () wouldn’t leave the Masjid and enter his house except to use the bathroom.
  • ʿĀʾaisha (raḍī Allāhu ʿanhā) would enter her home only due to a necessity and if there was a sick person she would not visit them, rather she would supplicate for them whilst walking.
  • The person in iʿtikāf shouldn’t perform righteous acts that a person does generally, such as following the funeral and visiting the sick. This is because during this time, they are performing a specific act of worship; they must seclude and devote themselves [in the Masjid].

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