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An End of Ramadhaan and 'Eid Question and Answer Session with Shaykh Hasan ibn 'AbdulWahhab al-Banna

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Speaker: Shaykh Ḥasan ibn ‘AbdilWahhab Marzūq al-Banna الشيخ حسن بن عبد الوهاب مرزوق البنا 

Country of Speaker: Egpyt مصر

Category:  Ramadhaan رمضان

Date: 1st June, 2019

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Questions asked in the QA Session with minute markers to the corresponding answers:

  • Q.1) Can we have ṣalātul-'īd at the masjid out of necessity? [00:01:10]
  • Q.2) In the last ten nights of Ramaḍān, is it better to pray tarāwīḥ in the first part of the night after 'ishā'? Or to return to the masjid in the last third of the night and pray it then? [00:05:30]
  • Q.3) Is Laylatul Qadr the same night all over the world in different countries even though some started fasting different days? [00:07:52]
  • Q.4) Is it sunnah to complete the entire Qur'ān recitation in ṣalātul-tarāwīḥ prayers during Ramaḍān? Some people are completing the entire Qur'ān within 6 days, each night 5 juzz at the starting days of Ramaḍān. They fear that they might not continue tarāwīḥ prayer in the same mosque and as a result they may lose the sequence of chain of the entire Qur'ān completion in tarāwīḥ prayers. Please explain this action according to the sunnah. [00:12:57]
  • Q.5) There is a local deobandi ḥanafī governing body in our country called Dār al-‘Ulūm that has a moon sighting committee. It is understood that they use proper equipment to look for the new moon. Should we, the salafīs, trust their sighting or are they to be considered untrustworthy in this issue because of their corrupt ‘aqīdah and manhaj? [00:22:06]
  • Q.6) Is there a niṣāb for zakātul-fiṭr, for example a person is miskīn and cannot even afford his basic requirements for his family, does he still have to pay zakāt al-fiṭr? [00:39:14]

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